Kitchen Drawer2022Wood, acrylic, collage
18.75" x 15.75" x 4.75"Top text: The laundry list of our questions grows.
Middle text: There is no explanation of why three generations searched for early rise distillers of permanent promise bolstered by shutdown cocktail blast off.

Covid Monologues2020collage, acrylic, wood
29 in.. x 5.5 in.Text assembled from newspaper articles.
Her: " I was blowing up a dry cringe / I leaned toward the sadness quenching cocktail / I am walking to the end of the day / Now I'm calling friends to ignite the five o'clock benefits / And that's when I realized it--it struck out of nowhere / I'm doing my best to shift a mood, embrace the creaminess of gentler times, of good living. / During a crisis What can I say? / a massive margarita midafternoon / it's exactly what is needed."
Him: "I understand a language dipped in seawater / I'm exhausted from frayed and wobbly woo-woo / I'm asking myself, when your heart is beating, between beats, is it possible that I am someone else / That's not a thought that would've cropped up in the past. / maybe a shot of hard backup bourbon just in case / and now I feel face-to-face / what's going on right now is My life is stuffed cabbage--the no-frills type / I want hazard pay--for talking about the memory of what it was / Wait a minute, I was off the rails from the first few seconds / the long and short of it is that we are our own performance in the moment."
wood, steel, acrylic
6 in. x 10 in.
Last of the Richmond Steel Plates
wood, steel, acrylic paint, collage
11 in. x 18 in. x 1.5"
Good Advice
steel, wood, collage, acrylic
4.75" x 8"
Fish No. 3
steel, wood, collage, acrylic
4.75" x 8"
His 1st Draft
book cover, steel, collage on wood
8" x 8.25"
The Breakthrough2020Steel, wood, collage, acrylic paint
7" x 8.25"Text at top: "A process to replace that white thing"
Fish Book #2
Steel, wood, collage, acrylic paint
7" x 10" x 2.75"
Fish Book #1
Steel, wood, collage, acrylic paint
7.5" x 11.75" x 3.25"
Local TV News
Acrylic & collage on wood
18" x 10.25"
Chopstick Instruction A
Oil, metal, wood
13 in. x 14 in.
Wood, metal, acrylic paint
13.75 in. x 12.5 in.
September 11th
Wood, metal, acrylic paint
22.25 in. x 8 in.
George Washington Meets Mona Lisa's Sister on a Moonlit Night
Oil, metal, textile, book cover, collage on wood
16 in. x 36 in.
Rock Creek #4
Oil on wood
24 in. x 13 in.
Rock Creek #3
Oil on wood with metal
16.5 in. x 18.5 in.
Wood Paint Line
Oil and charcoal on wood
12.5 in. x 32.5 in.
Rock Creek #5
Oil on wood with metal and plastic
19.5 in. x 16.5 in.
Oil paint & house paint on wood
18.5 in. x 10 in.
Found on Rock Creek Road
Oil and collage on wood
15.5 in. x 25 in.
Oil, dry wall, collage on wood
21.5 in. x 14.5 in.
Manhattan Skyline: Present and Past
Acrylic, paint can lids, book covers on wood
41.5 in. x 25 in.
Oil and collage on wood
37" x 16"
Oil and collage on wood
12 in. x 24 in.
Stick Found at Niagara Falls
Oil and collage on wood
12 in. x 24 in.
Rock Creek #2
oil and collage on wood
8.5 in. x 27 in.
Monument to a Canceled Plan2018Acrylic and collage on wood
7.5 in. H x 26.5 in. W x 3.5 in. DText:
I was ready to paint a smooth two inch line
across the Appalachian landscape /
But as soon as the study began "bing, bing, bing" /
The plan did not stand a chance.
The Mosquito Head Shrine
Oil and collage on wood
30 in. x 20in.
Hazen Trail
Assemblage (wood and metal)
23 in. x 8.5 in.
North Shore2016Assemblage (wood and metal)
17 in. x 9.5 in.Text in center, bottom reads:
""I heard another story/ It has been tough, it's been rough, and some of us have been downright/ ...It is an example of what we are dealing with in terms of who/ No one is blameless in this./ We need to be ready."
Rock Creek #1
Collage on wood
18.5 in. x 12.5 in.
Dead Sea
Assemblage with photo
14 in. x 27.5 in.
Ice, Land, Water
Oil and collage on wood
18 in. x 24 in.
Bend in the River
Oil, metal, and collage on wood
15 in. x 9.5 in.
A Vague Story
Oil and collage on wood
15.5 in. x 10.25 in.
Mumbo Sauce2011oil and collage on wood
15.5 in. x 15.75 in. Text under slides reads:
"The mumbo sauce tasted walk out powerful/ You didn't know where to look, you might never see/ A reasonable person knowing all the circumstances would come to the conclusion."
Brown and Black
Oil and metal on wood
17.25 in. x 8.5 in.
Summer 1961
Oil and collage on wood
9.5 in. x 19 in.
Time Passed
Oil and collage on wood
20 in. x 36 in.
Land's End2015Oil and collage on wood
14.5 in. x 35 in.Text under slides reads:
"Their sound is known as a woman's voice and says Sapienza/ It's that just-out-of-reach desire to be part of their own self-fulfilling/ Or maybe is it something else."
The Florida Book
Oil and collage on wood
12.5 in. x 14 in.
Window Treatment
Oil on canvas and wood
32 in. x 18.5 in.
Red Totem1997Assemblage and collage
25 in. x 5 in.Text inside red rectangles reads: "in charge of choosing/ the second sound/ him make that switch"
Tel Aviv
Oil, collage, dry wall on wood
13 in. x 22 in.
Found Wood 1
Wood and collage
15 in. x 11.5 in. x 4.5 in.
Construction Site
Assemblage (wood, metal)
16 in. x 14.5 in.
7 Vacations
Oil and collage on wood
23.5 in. x 29 in.
Mystery of the Blue Monkey Box (front view)
Mystery of the Blue Monkey Box (side view)
Oil and collage on wood
7 in. x 8 in. x 4 in.
The Gaspe Kitchen Cabinet Drawer
Oil and collage on wood
19 in. x 16 in. x 5 in.
The Gaspe Kitchen Cabinet Drawer (side view)
Some Big Couch2001House paint, oil paint, collage on wood
12 in. x 9.5 in. x 4 in.Text inside box: "Suddenly there's some big couch."
A Fish Story
Oil and collage on wood
14 in. x 19 in.
Black and White
Oil on wood
18 in. x 14 in.
Oil and collage on wood
36.5 in. x 9.5 in.
Big Mustard
Oil on canvas and wood
30 in. x 36 in.
All images copyright of the artist.